Array Question

Q1.Span Of Array

here we need to find the diffrenct between max and min

we have 2 ways

1)sort the array

2)with the help of for loop

  1. let data = [12,23,232,14];

data.sort(function (a,b) {return a-b})

let diff = data[data.length-1] - data[0];


Q2.We have to sort the array according to there concurrency

Q3.Palindrome Checker: Write a function that checks whether a given string is a palindrome (reads the same backward as forward). The function should return true if it is, false otherwise.

function m1(str){

let data = str.split("").reverse().join('');

if(str==data){ return true; }else{ return false; }


let res = m1("Ten"); console.log(res);

using the normal loop

// check the string is palindrome or not

function m1(str){ let res = "";

for(let i = str.length;i>=0;i--){ res+=str.charAt(i); } if(res== str){ return true; }else{ return false; } }

let res = m1("nen"); console.log(res);

Q4.Reverse a String: Write a function that reverses a given string without using any built-in reverse functions.

// check the string is palindrome or not

function m1(str,app){ let val = str.split('').reverse().join(''); let res = app.split(' ').reverse().join(' '); console.log(res);

return val; }

let res = m1("Ten","Hi My Name is Slim Shedy"); console.log(res);

using the normal JS

function m1(str,app){ let val = ""; for(let i = str.length;i>=0;i--){ val+=str.charAt(i); } return val; }

let res = m1("Ten"); console.log(res);

Q5.Find the Maximum Value: Write a function that takes an array of numbers as input and returns the maximum value from that array.

let data =[23,4,545,6,7]; // sort

function m1(data){
let sortData = data.sort((x,y)=>y-x); return sortData[0];

let res = m1(data); console.log(res);

using the function

function m1(arr){ let max = arr[0]; // let sortData = data.sort((x,y)=>y-x); // return sortData[0];

for(let i = 0;i<arr.length;i++){ if(max < arr[i]){ max = arr[i]; } } return max; }

let res = m1(data); console.log(res);

Q6.Factorial: Write a function to calculate the factorial of a given number. The factorial of a non-negative integer n is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n.

// foctarial

function m1(no){ let data = 0; for(let i = no;i>0;i--){ data += no*no-1; }

return data; }

let res = m1(5); console.log(res);